Thursday, October 1, 2015




1.- Forum. Virus Slogan

Don't worry it is a so "sweet virus" that you can have a salary during your whole life.

150 dollars per month, for best phrase (most valued)
150 dollars per month, for person who invited whom made the best phrase
And another 150 dollars for the most participatory person

the virus will success
150 dollars per month, forever
150 dollars per month, forever, for person who invited whom made the best phrase

One banner for first comment in each bloc - country connection

Just being the first in commenting in any connection
EU - Tanzania. For example.
You'll get a banner (that actually means money) in Germany -Tanzania, Italy - Tanzania, UK - Tanzania. France - Tanzania......
All European Union countries related with Tanzania. 

150 dollars per month, for best participant (including the participation in Virus Slogan.
Commenting, valuing, and inviting others.
criteria, more participation with not bad quality (not flagged, not banned).

150 dollars per month  (by lottery) for 1 of the the participants of the country with more participation
2 banners forever (by lottery) for 1 of the the participants of the country with more participation
One in his country,
Two in the country he would choose,
Per each country (200 countries),
The best participant of each country: a banner in his country related with the rest of the world, and one banner in the country he would choose
Is that to say,
he can be from Mozambique and choose USA,
So he will have a banner in Mozambique and another in USA