Monday, December 15, 2014

Best platform for international trade trade.

Sylodium   City and Country / crossing system

Connecting the world

You can Choose your target markets

Reasons why Sylodium is the best international trade directory.

1- As we segment global market as actually is via City and Country / crossing system Google reward us by our coincidence and relevance so your ads will be at  TOP positions in Google, 

2- Multiplication of ads. 2 clicks.

 1 source city, 1 target country.  
Buenos Aires – New York. USA    (56 cities),  
59 places as there are 56 target cities. 1 source city and 2 categories,

3- Less competitors,

After your selection, for example Bogota - EU.

5.- You can tailor your strategy for each country

Friday, December 5, 2014

history of International trade.

In the history of international trade has been four big jumps.

1.-When civilizations as Phoenician beyond cities close to them went via sea to far cities. Century V before Christ.

2.-When Spain conquered America (1492). Starting century XVI.

3.-When transport revolution and communication revolution changed the whole world.  Starting Century XX and the boom in international trade at the end of XX

4.-Today, in full globalization, when Internet has deleted the borders (in a communication sense of course).

Exploit them via, is the only platform that has connected the world.

Sooner than later we'll have cybernetic system for international trade.